XCSoar (Click here for the latest version)
PDAs, PNAs, Android
11>see warning below)
, Windows PCs, Oudies
A Free Program which can be used to provide moving airmaps, advise of airspace, and also shows Task information plus much more.
LK8000 (Click here for the latest version)
PDAs, PNAs, Android(Android
11>see warning below)
, Windows PC, Oudies
An off shoot of the XCSoar Program with a different Display
Oudie (Click here for
This is a popular Moving Map which
uses SeeYou mobile and has to have a subscription. It uses the
airspace files .cub (click
here to download) and BGA Turnpoint files using the .cup
(Click here to download)
file. The files location can be set to read off the Micro SD card
or the Internal memory.
XCSoar and LK8000 are free programs which can be loaded on PDAs, some PNAs,
Android Phones/Tablets ,(Android 11>see
warning above)
KOBO ereaders and Windows PCs.
Features are:-
PocketPC Gliding/Soaring computer. Airspace Warnings, Final Glide, Landing Points In Range, Unlimited Tasks, GPS and Vario inputs, Auto Wind Calculation, Topographical Map, Fully configurable polars and much more
To enable the programs to work there are files which require to be loaded
The files below are provided for download, they are not guaranteed to be the latest version of the files. It is the responsibility of the person downloading the files to check further.
UK airspace files (Click here to
be redirected to new ASSELECT site- select the various options you require and save in the OpenAir format
save into your XCSoarData folder or the LK8000 Airspace folder
11>see warning below)
*******Android users since
Android 11****** XCSoar Data files are now stored in
files which can only be accessed with PC (your Android
name )Internal storage\Android\data\org.xcsoar\files folder
LK8000 Files are now stored in files which can only be
accessed with PC (your Android name )Internal
storage\Android\data\org.lk8000\files folder
UK Map Files for XCSoar (Click Here to download)
save into your XCSoarData folder (Android
11>see warning above)
then rename the .zip extension to .xcm .load from the Config>Setup System menu in the Map Database pick the latest .xcm
UK Topology and Terrain Files for LK8000
(Click here to download UK1000.dem)
(Click here to download UK.lkm)
rename the .zip extension to .lkm
save the UK1000.dem and UK.lkm in the LK8000 Maps folders
BGA Turnpoints
Jun 2024 (Click here to download) save into your
XCSoarData folder
11>see warning above)
as a .dat file
these contain Local TPs UP4,UP5 and UP6
***You will have to get rid of the extra
.txt if using Google Chrome, MS
Edge or Firefox from the three dots/line or More Tools > Save Page as
menu option, if using a mobile or tablet select menu and the
download icon***
BGA Turnpoints
Jun 2024 (Click here to download) save in
LK8000 Waypoint folder
11>see warning above)
or your OUDIE folder
as a .cup file
these contain Local TPs UP4,UP5 and UP6
***You will have to get rid of the extra
.txt if using Google Chrome, MS
Edge or Firefox from the three dots/line or More Tools > Save Page as
menu option, if using a mobile or tablet select menu and the
download icon***
Airfields and
Landouts (Courtesy of Paul Ruskin's Outland file)
11>see warning above)
Jun2024 (Click here to download) save into your
LK8000 Waypoint folder
11>see warning above)
or your OUDIE folder
as a .cup file as an additional
will have to get rid of the extra
.txt if using Google Chrome, MS
Edge or Firefox from the three dots/line or More Tools > Save Page as
menu option, if using a mobile or tablet select menu and the
download icon***
[You can also save the .dat files in the LK8000 Waypoint Folder. The difference is in the search, the .dat file will search for Trigraph's where the .cup searches for names - the choice is yours {webmaster Dave}]